Average net rental yield 2023
Average valuation increase 2023
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Annual Rental Yield
Annual Appreciation
$ 499,580
Projected Portfolio value by year 15
$ 2,468
Monthly rental income by year 15
All projected values are before any property costs and platform fees, and based on a 5-year holding period. We expect the asset value to grow 30% over the next 5 years
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*Savills World Cities Prime Residential Index (Dec 2020 - Dec 2023)
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We’re regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), with a robust cessation plan
Investments are publicly registered and held in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
Investors receive Title Deed’s from the Dubai Land Department (DLD) and Share Certificates in their name
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“[You’re] solving that problem of not necessarily having to explore too many different investment opportunities, while still having the opportunity to invest with a couple of clicks, into an asset that I’m really interested in”
David Soutoul
Stake investor